
The Cause:  To “artistically” bring attention to the people, places and things of,  both  known and lesser known regions of Ontario.

The Medium: I envision this project as a High resolution “video brochure” utilizing High resolution video screens (called “commercial large format display”).

*an opening for both camera and screen sponsors.

tasteful allocation of smaller screens could push the synced message in washrooms. Possibly audio (podcast) for the stalls.

Just an interesting example of washroom video tech thats available. 



separately, Printed Maps, calendars, and other merchandise could help push the communication of unity.

The Content: Select micro-documentaries of various regions. Highlighting the people, events, and activities. Unique to one another.


Although a bit slow, this video “Jack” would be an example of the type of content that produces the correct “feels” necessary.


A celebration of Ontario Canada through curated images of current trends. A focus on the art and artists and a dimension of how livable Ontario can be/is.

I feel it important to be focused on a contemporary style of highlighting each micro-doc. (NO PORNOGRAPHY ALLOWED!)


*photos are representative of “lifestyle photographic” style. Brought to you by Mercedes-Benz


An example of this would be sesame street’s use of unique scenes to keep the attention of the viewer.

Bringing focus to the content contributors as being artists as well.

each vignette could be broken up by “brought to you by” partner commercial slots. Subversive of course!


I would call this project ONTour.

Matching the ONroute brand (almost to the letter!!)

also as in going “on tour” of “ONT”ario thus  leaving “our” for community unification and local travel points.

Thoughts, suggestions, revisions??




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